Best Tarot Cards to Indicate Money or Finances


In a tarot reading, money, fortune is one of the topics that most intrigues people. If they will have a good position, will there be some inheritance, will business have profits, a promotion at work or if the desired abundance will arrive, are samples of the questions that you could be asked when consulting people with tarot cards.

Before knowing which are the Tarot cards that indicate money, you should know that the cards that we will see in this article are a mix between the tarot cards of the major arcana and the cards of the Spanish deck that are also used to consult financial fortune.





Wheel of Fortune

The wheel of fortune reminds you that nothing is permanent, including your financial situation.

If you are in a high point with good position, this card warns you that you must be prudent with your money or your financial situation could change in an instant.

If you are in a low economic point, the wheel of fortune is a reminder that you will not feel financial stress forever, that money that comes and goes, and will come back to you, but it will take time and effort.
tarot cards money.

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is a card of action, potential, and positivity. He is full of energy and power and looks to the future instead of the past.

The Ace of Wands can appear when you are unsure of a new economic situation (a new job, new finances or starting a new business) the Ace of Wands encourages you to trust your efforts. Your natural talents will take you far when this tarot card appears.


 Four of pentacles

Money means security for many people. So to keep that feeling of security we hold onto the euros for our lives.

So, the four of diamonds reminds you that you must loosen your grip on money, to lessen the control it has over your life. Stability comes from many sources. Money does matter, but it's time to look beyond your finances to get comfortable.



Five of pentacles

When you come across this tarot card, it is likely that you are at a low point in your economy and it is affecting you on an emotional level. You can feel helpless and be alone in your struggles. However, this letter reminds you that there is help, but you may have to seek it out.



Six of pentacles

It is a letter of charity and karma. The Six of Pentacles reminds you that money is a two-way street. If you have given to others in times of plenty, this card comes to remind you that others are there for you in your times of need. Similarly, when others have given it to you in the past, the six of coins tells you that it is time to pay for it. What goes around comes around and it is your responsibility to continue this cycle of giving and receiving.


Seven of cups

The seven of cups is a card of fantasy, distraction and confusion. It reminds you that all that glitters is not gold and that all financial opportunities are not as good as they seem.

This letter will appear often in readings related to spending a windfall or starting a business. It encourages you to be skeptical, to be careful about the details of your situation, and to live up to your expectations.



Nine of pentacles

The nine of diamonds is a personal success card.

It tells you that he has been wise with your choices and actions and that your current monetary situation is the direct result of everything he did or did not do. This tarot card encourages you to celebrate your financial stability and success and acknowledge how you got there.

This is one of the best tarot cards for money advice, it is a card of success and prosperity.


King of Wands

The King of Wands is a card of intention, action and creativity.

This tarot card encourages you to be practical with your finances and to maintain a safe state of mind. Money, or the lack of it, is not a problem for the King of Wands, it is a challenge that he is prepared and willing to solve.

When this card appears in a money consultation, it reminds you that when you put real effort and energy into your work and finances, you will see real growth, everything is in your hands. 



The Empress

We find it in the deck of the Major Arcana. The Empress represents life in abundance, the life we ​​all want to lead. She motherhood, fertility, creativity, family rearing and of course abundance.

When we speak of The Empress as a card that represents money and wealth, we do so because of the qualities and symbolism that it implies.

For example: Financial gains through someone's creativity. Therefore, this card means that the fruit of your effort and creativity will be abundant and will bring you riches.





We continue with another card from the deck of the Major Arcana. The card of The Sun, this represents success, happiness and achievement. This is the most positive letter that has been seen and received. And if this card appears during a money reading, it is an excellent sign, it means that your finances will see the light, like the sunrise after a long night.




The Ace of Pentacles

This letter makes it clear that the money is on the way, whether through a salary increase or a bonus, it is the best sign to know that your work and effort are being rewarded. .

In fact, it can even indicate that there is a new and better job for you, if that is what you are waiting for, a new job opportunity where you can grow even more. For business owners, seeing this letter during a reading tells them that they will make a good profit during that year.





Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Golden Pentacles in the Minor Arcana deck is the card that indicates that something will work, but it will do so slowly. Like a growing tree, slow at first, but fruitful.

The best signal when you need advice or to know if your investment will pay off.

This card shows that even if something takes time to see the financial results of something, it will happen. It will happen over time, with effort in some cases, and patience.



Ten of pentacles


The Ten of Golden Pentacles is a reassuring card for those who consult their luck in the tarot, it is a sign that serves to know that with certain changes you could live a very comfortable and abundant life.

Financially rich perhaps, but more comfortable. This means that you would not have to worry about money. It is a letter that invites you to enjoy life and not have to worry about whether or not you will be able to pay the next credit card bill.

If someone has had financial problems in the past, this letter will tell you that you will soon live and enjoy the comfort and pleasure that you have sought so much. But do not forget, it is a letter that acts as a signal, to tell you that you must keep trying and working hard, since you are on the right track.



Nine of cups


The Nine of Cups is not a card that speaks of money properly. However, it is one that is associated with what we want, in this specific case, we want money, abundance and wealth.

So, if you want to land the highest paying job you have applied for, you will get it. It also applies for the desired salary improvements.

In short, these cards, combined with the hand that you have touched, can give you a message that you are on the right track and that you will soon receive your reward, they can also suggest some changes that improve your financial situation. It all depends on the hand of cards that you play and your luck.




You can buy your deck of the Rider Waite Tarot clicking on the links.


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