What You Really Should Know Before Getting a Tarot Reading


Before a tarot reading, there are things you should know. 

Let's say first that Tarot cards are a way to get answers to our problems or concerns. This method is a symbol reading system. The deck game is composed of 78 cards, which are divided into 2 groups, the major arcana and the minor arcana.

It should be understood that tarot is not just a divination tool, it can help us to get answers to the different queries and doubts that we have, as a guide for self-knowledge and understanding of our self being.

Be clear about what you seek when you go to a reading, sometimes you might end up being told things you didn't know or were not aware of. Tarot is only a way of understanding why some things are, why some of them happened, what can you do to make it better, etc. Tarot cards are only a guide.

Before going to have the tarot read to us, it is better to know certain things. Resorting to cards or any other form of divination is a viable way out of trouble.

Although they are good advisers or guides, it is good to know if the person really has experience and the right knowledge.

In general, people consult tarot readers to learn about what the future will repair them in the different areas of life, especially love, work and fortune, if they are going to achieve what they most want and yearn for, they generally confuse these readings with the real facts.


About Tarot

They are not miraculous: although they can be a good help if you get the proper reading from the right person. Tarot readers are humans, they have emotions that could be transmitted to cards during your reading, not always but keep in mind it could happen.

Tarot works with energy: The risks are many, as you can get absorbed by emotions and focus on what's going to happen instead of what you could do to make it happen or to stop it from happening. Focus more on the now, what can I do now instead of the outcome. The best thing to do before a card reading is to arrive serene and calm. Don't go to a tarot reader in the "heat of the moment", when something bad happens to you or when you're brokenhearted. All those bad energies influence your reading negatively. 


Don't think of Tarot as a divination tool but, as a tool for self-knowledge, self-discovering and guidance, use them as a temporary help in your lives when advice is much needed.

Never consider Tarot seers (card readers) as infallible. The decisions you make are your responsibility, avoid leaving the decisions of your life in their hands. They are there to guide you towards making better choices, they won't choose for you. It is said that once you look into the future, you change it or you'll have the ability to do so. Fate it's not set in stone, if you get guidance at a specific moment, it's because you're urged to do something about it and that "something"gives you the chance to know in advance. 



What to do when you go for a Tarot reading

If you are one of those who have not yet attended a tarot reading, but have already decided to do so, it is important that you keep some points in mind before opening your mind to this art of divination.

Whether you believe in tarot or not, the first thing to consider is that what the cards throw at your destiny is not something set in stone. The cards are just a guide that will show you more clearly the path that is in front of you.

The readings could be negative or positive, so it is common that we can be nervous at first, however, the important thing is to enjoy this activity and be wise to interpret the messages that the arcana sends us.


As a newcomer, you should take into account the following points outlined :

Prepare a list of questions


When sitting before a tarot reader our mind could go blank. To prevent this from happening, prepare a list of the questions you want answered so that the time that your session lasts will be more fruitful.


Be open minded

Get your mind ready for the unexpected. In a tarot reading they usually tell you things that you are probably not prepared for. The energies flow intensely during the divination process, keep in mind that it is only a guide for your present or future. Tarot can also be a good knowledge to heal and understand your past!

Accept the energy


It is said that most people feel recharged with energy after a session, this is because they lift their spirits to be more objective with their future. Let the energy flow into your mind and body. Some other people feel drained after a session, especially if they are told a lot of negative things. It is important that you follow your guts before choosing a tarot reader, feel what the energy tells you and PLEASE, do jump from table to table, that is, don't get obsessed with getting a reading everywhere you see a fortune telling sign!

There Are Different kinds of Tarot Readers

The fake ones, that will take money out of you as if it was water. They will never tell you any good thing, they will use their ability to scare you, in order to sell magic spells, rituals and amulets. Nothing wrong with a reader that offers you an extra service to help you "break the bonds", but you need to beware as charlatans, they are everywhere!


The professional ones. These are readers with a "career" experience or knowledge they have acquired by learning reading techniques in a school or taught by someone. They can also make a good reading for you and connect all points of your story through cards in a brilliant way. many of them are there to answer your questions, they don't have the sighting gift. They usually won't offer you magic rituals nor advice on any of the magical arts to reach an outcome. They will only tell you things the way they see it on the cards.

The gifted ones. There are also people who have a natural true gift for tarot reading, fortune telling, magic, healing or divination. Some of them don't understand how their abilities work and some might be in good control of them. They develop certain abilities in time but need to keep on working and learning as their talents grow. They are very intuitive and sensitive people that usually don't like to use their gifts because of fear or lack of proper knowledge about them.


The Psychics. Those are hard to find. They have the true talent they might have brought from previous incantations or discovered in this lifetime. They might have been born with talents, that they have woken up in time.  

Psychics are connected and guided by spiritual guides, angels or spirits, they are connected to the "source". When you find a reader that is being guided during your reading, you can take the most out of the experience and you'll be sure you're getting the message of what's best for you straight from above. 


Don't expect sharp precision

In astrology there is no 100 percent accurate reading, there is no formula to be able to talk conclusively about the future. Tarot reading is based on intuition and traits so if you hear something that might be sad, don't let your guard down as you can still achieve your goals or change that outcome.


Finally, trust the tarot reader


If you don't trust the reader, what they tell you will be irrelevant to you. Learn to trust the messenger before starting the session to get the most out of it. It is not just about asking questions and answers, the goal is to have energetic and spiritual healing.