

Sage cleanse


Disclaimer and Statement


Thank you, for being here! Remember that we do not have any other social networks outside of the official ones that are detailed in the menu or content of this page. We do not send SPAM, nor request money. We only retain our clients' emails for the purpose of offering new services or important notifications.

The costs you pay for any of our services are donated directly from your account, to the Paypal accout of a charity of our preference, we'll send you the link, no other. With your purchase you will be supporting a good cause and our growth.

We do not ask you for money transfers, nor accept any other payment means, unless you do not have a Paypal account to make your donation. In this case, you must tell us the way you deem appropriate. We only have a single official contact email or through the contact form on this page. We cannot  be held accountable for any fraud carried out by third parties on our behalf, impersonators or hackers to your account or ours. 

Fate is not set in stone, sometimes just seeing the future is enough to change it. You and only you have the power to make things happen, we are here to guide you so that you can create a different reality. The time of the universe is perfect, and many things happen in its time, not ours. Take these tips into consideration when consulting any tarot reader.


A tarot professional cannot predict the future with certainty and you should not rely on a tarot reading to make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional. Also, a tarot reading cannot replace qualified mental health care. A tarot reading can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation. In certain jurisdictions, a tarot professional is required to disclose to you that tarot readings should be for entertainment purposes only. 



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Copyright Notice. Unless otherwise noted, all content on this website https://www.arcanas.com is copyrighted under the law per the date of posting and is the property of EL TAROT DE LAS ARCANAS (ARCANESS TAROT). All rights reserved. You are prohibited from using any of the content herein without the express written permission of EL TAROT DE LAS ARCANAS (ARCANESS TAROT).

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When you send an e-mail communication, post a comment on this website, or request a tarot reading from EL TAROT DE LAS ARCANAS (ARCANESS TAROT), you’re also sending personally-identifiable contact information, such as your name, e-mail address, date of birth, payment information, etc. Please note that as a tarot professional, EL TAROT DE LAS ARCANAS (ARCANESS TAROT) may log, record, track, or save the information you provide through the course of professional record-keeping or non-commercial use. Your information is never sold to third parties. EL TAROT DE LAS ARCANAS (ARCANESS TAROT) reserves the right to use the information collected from you through your use of this website to contact you about news or updates that EL TAROT DE LAS ARCANAS (ARCANESS TAROT) thinks you may be interested in. Again, by their nature, electronic communications are not always secure. It is your personal responsibility to be mindful of what you transmit over the Internet to EL TAROT DE LAS ARCANAS (ARCANESS TAROT) and we are not responsible for third party abuse of what you transmit through this website or when you send electronic communications to us.

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This Terms of Use and Privacy Policy is subject to changes, which shall be updated to this page and noted below. By using and interacting on this website or sending electronic communications to EL TAROT DE LAS ARCANAS (ARCANESS TAROT), you are acknowledging and agreeing to all of the terms above.

Any questions or concerns related to the terms herein should be directed to the attention of EL TAROT DE LAS ARCANAS (ARCANESS TAROT).


Created on: 23rd of June 2021