Daily Tarot Message for Today

It is time to let go and believe with faith, that the good is greater. You have believed that evil has more power, you have felt that nothing good accompanies you and that there is no one who can help you. You are wrong!

It is time to trust that you are an important part of a bigger plan. The development of that plan, depends on your growth and dedication in your emotional and spiritual growth.

You have the power to change your environment, to create miracles for yourself and for others. Do not forget when you ask in prayers, to also ask for those in need, that way, you will begin to create change and you will have the assistance you so badly need.

Everything you receive, will depend on the love you put into all you do and give. Good things are coming. Expect a great change!


🌅Awakening time is NOW! 🌇
The Arcaness Tarot 
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