Meet the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards



The Wisdom of the Oracle is one of our favorite card sets. It contains a lot of beautiful letters, with impeccable design and wonderful messages on how to be happier. Since you touch this set of cards, you make it yours, and you feel that energy that tells you that this is the right deck to guide you and yours on your journey through life.

Created by renowned bestselling author Colette Baron-Reid, this beautiful collection of messages of light, she combines elements of the traditional tarot with other ancient divination tools, to form this simple, yet profound system of communication and mediation between the divinity and the tarot reader.

If you want to connect with the hidden wisdom, these tarot cards are for you. The book accompanies you on the journey of delving into the message, but the letters are quite intuitive and easy to connect. Whether you are starting to read the tarot, or if you are an expert, this deck will be of great help to give a more positive approach to your readings, in addition to giving your client a pleasant look at the so feared and misinterpreted fortune telling world.

The Wisdom of the Oracle deck consists of 52 cards that wait for you to give you the true meaning of life and to give meaning to everything that currently happens to you based on love, work, money, or simply, your spiritual growth .


Learn how to get your The Wisdom of the Oracle deck internationally: