Tarot Cards That Could Indicate Divorce or Breakups


One of the most complicated parts to deal with in a breakup besides the pain of losing the person you love or love is the surprise factor.

In many cases the ruptures are not expected by one party and the impact can be devastating. That is when you have to start accepting and then be able to start working on the pain of the breakup.

The tarot is a great advantage to avoid the surprise factor in our life, since there are tarot cards that indicate divorce and that can put us on notice and help us take out the best of any situation before and after the outcome.

Here a short summary about the meaning of tarot cards that could indicate divorce:

The Five of Pentacles: In Wealth and Poverty ... Until Death Do Us Part

The reality is that the lack of material resources generates a lot of insecurity and wear and tear in a couple. This card symbolizes the breakup of a couple due to financial problems. Graphically it is very clear that the homeless people shown in the letter are completely devoid of the basics. In the event that this letter comes out in a reading about a divorce process, beware: it may be that your partner is not willing or willing to face his financial obligations.


Ten of Pentacles (
Reversed): The Empty Nest, The After

We all know couples who after raising their children and almost reaching retirement have shelved everything and got divorced. Those affected usually agree on a sudden idea of ​​wanting to live ... longer and better. Perhaps, the feeling of emptiness after the departure of the children and maturity positions you at a point in life that you think about. Am I where I want to be? And now that? The family is broken, properties are sold ... a broken consolidated family, children who do not understand anything ... The countdown began, and the rush is pressing. It is time to live.


The Hermit: A time for you, to heal ...


Any break, be it more or less painful, needs a period of reflection and healing. The Hermit is a card that mostly symbolizes a time of retirement. This is why the Hermit Card and its meaning can lead us to the interpretation that there is the possibility of this rupture, in order to connect with our being, and work only in favor of the achievement of our personal goals.


The three of cups reversed: Three is a crowd ...


Much is said about the internal codes that each couple has established. This card can shake these codes. Can an infidelity fix a couple? Is there life after an infidelity? If in a love tarot reading, this card appears, it will depend on your codes that everything ends badly or that it makes you stronger.


Two of Cups Inverted: Mutual Agreement, Consensus

Among all the letters that can lead us to think that the end of the relationship is imminent, this is one of the most hopeful, since it speaks of consensus, of ease in communication. A relationship that is broken by mutual agreement. This letter is undoubtedly the most desired if you are concerned about a divorce process that you sense conflict. If so, the feelings that this letter gives off are very good.


Death: The reactions to this letter are impressive

For those people who are not familiar with the cards and the symbology of the tarot, the appearance of this card in the tarot reading can suppose seconds of total panic. The reality is that this card symbolizes the changes, the resurgence after an end. In this case, the tarot reader will continue to be very alert about the rest of the cards in the spread since they will complement this card and give more information about whether or not this is one of the tarot cards that indicate divorce in this specific case.


The Tower: One of those tarot cards that indicate long-term divorce or breakup


The first reactions to seeing this card in the spread are very shocking, especially for those people who are not familiar with tarot images. Graphically the scene is chilling. Fire (22 flames specifically), destruction, fear ... people jumping into the void ... despair. Mainly this card is associated with chaos, ruin, but as always, not everything is negative, its positive connotation is a push to get out of your comfort zone, in a reading about love, this card offers us a lot of information. Are you where you want to be?



The Ten of Swords: Just a Terrible Ending?

If we start the analysis of this card, which is clearly one of the tarot cards that indicate divorce at the graphic level, we can only observe a terrible ending. It is very clear that it is painful and dramatic, but it's not just gold that glitters. Let's get started!

This letter tells us about betrayal, pain and terrible suffering, but at the same time it also tells us about the beginning of a new cycle. And it is that on the horizon we see light, and once again we can think that hope is the last thing that is lost. Heal your pain, leaning on the serenity and tranquility of knowing that soon, the sun will rise again for you.


The 5 of Swords: Lost Battle, Defeat?


Graphically this card is devastating, the reactions it produces are not so drastic when it appears in a tarot reading, but the image is total defeatist. You have lost the battle, arguments, moments of disagreement. It is time to accept that it is not for you, it is time to let it go and begin your transformation process. This is no time to hold on.


The 3 of Swords: Intense but temporary pain


This card symbolizes great pain, graphically the card speaks for itself, a heart pierced by 3 swords. But, as they say, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and it is symbolized by the glare of the sun behind the clouds.



Four of Swords

It is a letter that speaks of emotional apathy. You just don't feel anything for the other person anymore, you don't want to fight for the relationship anymore. It indicates that you have given up and no longer know what to do. The positive thing about this letter, and although it sounds ironic, is that it cannot be worse. The most painful thing is over and it is up to us if we continue in that attitude or if we want to move on.

He also advises us that it is good to take a vacation, distance ourselves from problems and rest, so we can regain energy and return with more strength.


Ace of Cups (
Reversed )


In its normal position it speaks to us of true love, of a relationship that makes us feel full, overflowing with affection, it speaks of pregnancy, communication, harmony, marriage, understanding. The happiness of being with the right person, who corresponds to you and pleases you.

Inverted indicates that someone does not love us or that we are in a relationship where our love is not reciprocated. Either of the two is repressing their feelings, does not show affection, is cold and not very detailed. When I see this card in this position, it gives me the feeling that love has been emptied, that what was once full now lies empty and that before being in such a relationship, it is best to separate because it is very frustrating to love someone does not love us

These cards are the ones I come across the most when I make runs related to breakups, but without a doubt, there are many more.



 Possible combinations:

Marsella-muerte Marsella-justicia
Marsella-enamorados Marsella-muerte
Marsella-torre Marsella-muerte



In most cases, it is important to check the cards around them. If it is a one card reading, then you can ask for second card for clarification. That way, you can know if the relationship ends forever, is transformed or has any chance to be fixed. Remember: Fate is not set in stone.


You can buy your deck of the Rider Waite Tarot clicking on the links.


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