Tarot Cards That Indicate Pregnancy


tarot pregnancy cards

Today we bring you a small article to review the tarot cards that indicate pregnancy so that you take it into account when making your readings.

The first tarot card that indicates a possible pregnancy is the Empress. This card shows us a young woman of childbearing age, sitting on a couch and surrounded by ears of wheat, a symbol of fertility. This card speaks of maternal love and represents the mother, the wife and the woman who can give birth.

Another card that could tell us about pregnancy is the Sun, both in the Rider Waite deck and its derivatives and in the Marseille deck we can see one or more children represented in their drawings, in addition the Sun card speaks of full happiness as well that in a Tarot reading to see if our consultant is pregnant this card would give us a resounding yes.

The Star card shows us a naked woman feeding the water and the earth, this card tells us about illusion and fertility, so it would also talk about a possible pregnancy.

The Tarot card of the World could evoke a full uterus, when representing the figure of a naked woman it could indicate that it is a girl, but either way it also indicates pregnancy even if she is a boy.

The minor arcana 10 of Cups shows us a happy family, the man and the woman are embraced looking at the sky and 2 children play and dance next to their parents. This letter could undoubtedly tell us about starting a family and the feeling of happiness that this entails.

The Queen of Pentacles is sitting on her throne and in her lap is that glittering Gold and she looks at him and hugs him, it seems that she had her beloved baby rocking him tenderly, this minor arcana could also indicate a pregnancy.

And with this minor arcana I conclude the list of which for me are tarot cards that indicate pregnancy, below I leave you some combinations of cards that reveal without a doubt the possibility that the consultant becomes pregnant if she is not already pregnant .


Tarot Card Combinations Indicating Pregnancy

Tarot cards that talk about pregnancy


Tarot cards that indicate possible pregnancy

Positive Pregnancy Test:

Ace of Wands and Page of Cups



Negative Pregnancy Test:

4 of Swords and Page of Cups




Peak Fertility:

Ace of Wands and The Empress



A Broody Woman:

The Empress and Queen of Pentacles


Extremely Fertile Woman:

The Empress and Strength



Barren Woman:

Queen of Swords and The High Priestess


Extremely Fertile Man:

The Emperor and the Ace of Wands





The Empress and The Tower




Blighted Ovum / ‘Missed Miscarriage’:

The Empress and Death




The Tower and 10 of Swords




Unexpected Pregnancy:

‘ The Wheel of Fortune and the Ace of Cups




The Birth of a New Family Member:

Ace of Cups and 10 of Cups



Twins or Multiples:

The Lovers and The Sun




The Birth of a Baby Boy:

The Sun and the Ace of Wands



The Birth of a Baby Girl:

The Sun and the Ace of Cups




A Healthy Pregnancy:

The Empress and The Sun



Disclaimer: Visit your specialist for health issues. Tarot is not a doctor and destiny is not "set in stone".

You can buy your deck of the Rider Waite Tarot clicking on the links.

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