What Tarot Cards Reveal Each Zodiac Sign

tarot and zodiac

Each Zodiac Sign has its own major arcana card that serves as a guide and reflects the essence of each house of the zodiac. Most of these powerful cards have images of archetypal figures that represent the essence of a type of person.  


Check what your sign card is and what it has to say about your personality:

Aries: The Magician. It is the first card of the major arcana and Aries is the first sign of the zodiac wheel. Many tarot readers assume that the Aries card is the Emperor, but Aries does not seek constant stability, but he is always in search of undertaking something new. He doesn't enjoy routine, but rather challenges and changes. For the magician, anything is possible, and so it is also for Aries, with cunning, power of reasoning and action, although many times, in that action, there are hasty decisions that cause them to hit the wall. So is Aries energy, impulsive and powerful like its fire element.

Taurus: The Emperor. The card is directly linked to stability, which corresponds to the energy of the number 4. It has to do with domination, responsibility, rationalism and material stability. These are characteristics that are very present in bullfighting. Being an earth sign, the key is in the manifestation of the material world. Work, routine, finances and home are the main priorities in the universe of the natives under this sign. The emperor is the force at rest. This same characteristic is observed in Taurus, who takes time to make decisions in order to go the right way. Nothing is decided as haphazardly or hastily or as impulsively like Aries sings would do.

Gemini: The Empress - The Lover. In the case of Gemini, the energy is linked to these two cards. On the one hand, there is the empress, arcana number 3, as Gemini who is the third sign on the zodiac wheel. It represents the passage from virginity to creativity. There is a lot of curiosity about knowledge and experiences. On the other hand, there is The Lovers, card, arcana number 6, where there is a central character, trying to make a choice between two opposing energies. Geminis have a duplicity within them: they can go from happy to annoying in a matter of minutes. In transit, this sign appreciates and values ​​communication and never has absolute thoughts, since it is the mediator that considers both sides of one point of view and the other.

Cancer: The Moon. Cancer's ruling planet is the moon, the quintessential feminine archetype: the mother, the occult, and deep emotions. Both the letter and the sign teach to be in contact with intuition. Cancer needs your intuitive side for decision making. Also, it remits the fear to the unknown and abandonment, very frequent issues in Cancers, since it is very difficult for them to gain confidence and reveal the different edges of their personality. In transit, the moon is receptive and speaks of the emotional reception that the crab sign also possesses. They are sensitive people who absorb the energies around them that can generate sudden mood swings.

Leo: The Sun - The Force. The two cards are linked to Leonine energy. On the one hand, that of the Sun corresponds to its ruling planet. The Force corresponds to the symbol of Leo, which is the Lion. The female figure that represents intellectual power is in full struggle with passions and impulsive energy. There are many issues in the natives of this sign that require a harmonization process. The Sun, source of heat and life, center of the solar system, is associated with parental energy. It is directly related to success and evolution, important issues in this sign. But it should be remembered that excess heat, produces dryness.

Virgo: The High Priestess / The Chariot. The High Priestess is related to higher knowledge, mother energy and purity. Despite being cloistered in matter, she belongs to the spiritual world. This question is something that Virginians, an element of earth, have a hard time assimilating. The fact of being locked up speaks of loneliness and isolation, although, even so, there is always the desire to receive love and passion. For the Virgo, it is common to enter into its ideals and stay with fixed postures. However, a part of it needs to let go and that is something that every Virgo person needs to work on. Let go of control and let it flow, knowing you have the knowledge to do it. He is also linked with the energy of the Chariot. This card corresponds to the arcana number VII. It symbolizes movement, direction and, therefore, knowing where to go.

Libra: Justice. It is no coincidence that Libra is linked with the Justice card, since the sign seeks balance and harmony. It teaches that perfection does not exist and that this concept does not have to be linked to a balanced situation. Both humanity and nature experience constant processes and changes that indicate that perfection is impossible and non-existent. This is something that can also apply to the Virgo sign, which has problems to assume this. It also communicates the concept of demand. The natives of this sign are usually considered self-demanding since they are very particular people, with a lot of presence and if they have someone by their side (whatever the type of relationship it is) they hope that this is "at their level".

Scorpio: The Nameless Arcana. The tarot card number XIII, better known as "The Death", is the corresponding arcana for Scorpio. It speaks of deep transformation, the transmutation of old energies and internal changes. Scorpio has this same transforming message, where the objective is to bring out all that is hidden inside and that does not allow us to move forward, thus generating a cut in the present and giving birth to new beginnings. No change is easy, but it's still always worth a try. You also have to consider that change is inevitable and necessary. The passage through Arcana XIII is a process of elimination that carves out the ego and tames it.

Sagittarius: The Wheel of Fortune. Luck is Sagittarius. The fire energy of Sagittarius lives in search of new adventures, changes, partners and friends. The tarot card speaks of a circle that has no beginning and no end and that continues to rotate. Regardless of the situation in life you are in, either quiet or of difficult transit, you have to go through it with the certainty that everything happens for a reason and that something better always will come up. It has to do with not staying in lock-down and keeping in a state of constant renewal. The attitude of Sagittarius, optimistic, adventurous and impatient, connects with the energy of the wheel of fortune, where everything is constantly changing.

Capricorn: The Hermit. While for many it is linked to "The Devil", the card that best reflects his energy is that of the hermit. The Hermitage speaks of the independence and enjoyment in solitude so characteristic of Capricorn. This card expresses the highest wisdom as well as a deep crisis due to lack of direction. This is what every Capricorn needs: goals, direction and, above all, recognition from his peers. There is a secret and lonely place that every native of this sign possesses, where it is difficult to enter, since he does not usually show his emotions easily.

Aquarius: The Star. The sign is represented by a woman / man pouring water, this is also represented on the tarot card, The Star. Its symbolism is linked to nutrition, inspiration, respect and finding one's place in the world: it represents a stage in which one finds his place in the world to make it prettier and nurture it. It also symbolizes generous action. These characteristics are clearly seen in the personality of the natives of this sign. They are people who do not seek to manifest and have money in the material sense, but are humanitarian by nature and invest their profits in their community. They are also people who fight for change and the restructuring of the Status Quo. They are the ones who break schemes to establish a new high order.

Pisces: The Universe. While for some Pisces the tarot card is the Moon, in this case, it is considered to be the Universe. Each sign represents a different stage, beginning with Aries and ending in Pisces. This process is also contemplated in tarot cards. That is why Pisces expresses itself through the Universe, that space that everyone wants to reach, the scope of dreams and objectives, where a balance is generated between the earthly and spiritual world and the supreme fulfillment par excellence. The world is perceived with full consciousness and spirituality by every Pisces. It represents putting ourselves at the service of humanity, an issue that is part of our social objectives.

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